Job as Morning Newspaper Deliverer
Morning News Paper Deliverer
As morning deliverer you are up very early - around 3.00 AM. or 4.00 AM.
The products must be delivered before 7.00 AM. and you will receive the products either on a depot or at home.
Besides NORDJYSKE Stiftstidende you are also going to distribute other daily papers, union magazines, book parcels and letters. On your Delivery List you can see which addresses are going to receive what.
As deliverer at Det Nordjyske Mediehus your monthly salary can be everything between kr. 400,- and kr. 20.000,-. The amount depends on how many routes you have, how many papers you are distributing and how many days a week you are working.
The salary is transfered into your account the fourth weekday in the month. Besides the salary you are of course also earning holiday money. You find your paycheck in e-Boks.
As an employee at Det Nordjyske Mediehus you can get bike bags, reflective vest and stips-knife for free. Besides this you can also borrow a bike trailer by paying a deposit of kr. 600,-.